Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I found the assembly about cyberbullying that i went to to be abit interesting. I always knew that teenagers bully other people through the internet by using, posts and any type of chatrooms. What i didn't know was that teenagers aren't the only victims of cyberbullying. It suprised me when the public speaker said that adults especially teachers are also victims of cyberbullying.

We consider cyberbullying as a way to hurt and inflict emotional damage on an individual through the use of the internet. Cyberbullies make comments that hurt other people. These comments can be made through various ways through the internet. Cyberbullies use chatrooms, e-mails, and post messages on the internet to bully. Sometimes they make their own site that is dedicated to bully an individual. Cyberbullies are not afraid of persecution because they think that they can hide in the saftey of their homes. However, technology can track down posts and massages made and sent.

In my opinion, i think that a suitable punishment for cyberbullies is for them to be banned from computers. I find that this is the only way that they can stop cyberbullying. But i think that taking away the computer is a bit harsh, but if this is the only way for them to stop bullying through the internet, then these drastic actions should be done.



I agree with your opinion, however, cyberbullies hide their identity through the internet. It would be very difficult to track them. But if someone was able to track these bullies how are they going to prevent these bullies from using the computer. You can't just say, "oh you're banned from using the computer," because they'll find ways to access it anyways and continue on from bullying others. That's all I have to say.

1:35 PM  
Blogger _raneses said...

I like the fact that you stated cyberbullying as a way to hurt and inflict emotional damage on an individual through the use of the internet. Cyberbullies make comments that hurt other people, because this just very true. and i Agree with the fact that cyberbullies believe that their safe, and that they cannot be touched even though they are in they're own homes. However, i do not agree with the just punichment you have set out. Cyberbullies are human beings and they mkae mistakes, i believe people deserve at least another chance. Depending on how bad the situation is maybe ban them for a certain amount of time. i believe for life is harsh and unjust. In the world we live in today, people need technology. We have depended on it soo much that we sometimes forget how to do things ourselves. Compters make peoeples lives function better and easier. It helps people keep in touch with friends and family, do work, and maybe for some people run a business. we are all dependant on technology such as computer. Just some constructive criticsm.

12:11 AM  
Blogger Katrina said...

Banning cyberbullies from computers is a nice though, but I doubt that's ever going to happen. These people will just find other ways to get bully others. If they do get banned, I think they'll come back with even more built up anger. I agree with the fact that cyberbullies feel they won't get caught by hiding behind fake screenames and an anonymous identity. But because of amazing moden day technology, no one truly has any privacy.

9:07 PM  
Blogger mmarkerr said...

Hi Lendl ^_^

I agree that cyberbullying creates huge emotional damage for its victims while leaving the identity of the bully concealed. They may be difficult to track but cyberbullies are usually ones that we personally know but are too afraid to say things to our faces.


7:10 AM  
Blogger Julian said...

I agree that cyberbullying can really hurt and affect someone. I was also surprised to here that adults were victims of cyberbullying. Something must be done to stop all of this nonsense and your suggested idea would be a great way to start.

11:28 PM  

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