Monday, September 18, 2006

with the GOOD, comes the BAD

Now days, many people are using modern-day communication technology to communicate with friends, familly, and other people.

An example of a modern-day communication technology is the Internet. The Internet is a place where people can communicate with each other. It is the most well known modern-day communication technology in the world. Everyone that has a computer uses it for many reasons. People use it to chat with friends, post blogs, send e-mail, and make personal websites. Communicating through the Internet is a good thing, but there is also bad side to it.

There are some good things about using the Internet for communicating with people around the world. Using the Internet is an easy and fast way to communicate with each other. Using the Internet, you can post blogs about what you did that day and other stuff. You can also make personal websites that show things about what your interests are, what your phone number is, where you live, and many other things about yourself. With the Internet, you can send electronic mail or e-mail to other people around the world. Aside from communicating with e-mail, there is also something that most teenagers use everyday called, Instant Messeging. These are the good things about using the Internet for communicating with many people.

Using modern-day communication tehcnology, like the Internet, may have good things, but it also has bad things to it. One of the worst things that can happen when using the Internet is that you can be risking your own safety or privacy. When posting personal information, people that you don't know can gather information about you and you would be putting yourself in danger. You can start receiving unknown phone calls and unknown mail aswell (that's scary isn't it). Aside from other people gathering information about you through your personal websites or blogs, you can also be in danger when your using Instant Messeging like MSN Messenger. You can be talking to strangers and you don't even know it. When tlaking to strangers, you are putting yourself in danger. Especially when the stranger plans to meet up with you somewhere. These are bad things about our modern-day communication technology.

When we use our modern-day communicating technology, we should always think whether we are giving out information that might put ourselves at risk. Due to the fact that our modern-day communicating technology has some negative effects, it doesn't mean that people should stop using it. People should just be more careful and start thinking smart of what they're doing.


Blogger L3st3r A.k.A S1n1st3r said...

Hi Lendl!
I agree that there is a good and bad side through communicating in the Internet. We are never really sure who we are communicating with and that shows a serious breach in security and personal information.
Although there is a lot of downside to this kind of technology, we can never really abandon it as we are dependent on it and have been raised and taught that the Internet is convenient and will make our lives easier.

I like your site =D

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